Nutrition in Ayurveda is one of the fundamental aspects of restoring balance to the 3 Doshas; the interesting thing is that for each person, depending on the constitution or imbalance, more frequently, certain foods and their combination will be recommended.
This is based on the fundamental concept that says that like enhances like,while opposites reduce opposites: that is, if there is too much lightness of Vata I will give foods with qualities of opposite heaviness; conversely if there is heaviness of Kapha I will select foods with characteristics of lightness. This is done by taking into account the tastes or Rasa, the qualities or Guna and the potency or Virya of the foods. For a meal to be complete and healthy, it is essential according to Ayurveda that all six tastes or RASAs are present: sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter, and astringent.

Sweet is found in all grains, sweet fruits and, of course, sweets; it pacifies-balances Vata the lighter and more unstable dosha. That is why when we have physical,mental and emotional instability we are attracted to these foods. It also pacifies Pitta and unbalances Kapha. Acid is found in citrus and other acidic fruits, yogurt, acidic and fermented cheeses, and vinegar. It pacifies Vata, unbalances both Pitta and Kapha.

Salty: salt wherever it is added; pacifies Vata, unbalances Pitta and Kapha.

Spicy in all spices, it pacifies Kapha the heaviest dosha that therefore requires something stimulating; it unbalances Pitta, already hot in itself, and also Vata.

Bitter characterizes some spices such as turmeric and fenugreek, green leafy vegetables. It pacifies Pitta a lot, is good for Kapha and unbalances Vata.

Astringent is the characteristic taste of unripe fruit and also legumes; balances Kapha and Pitta, imbalances Vata.

Besides that, it is important to consider the qualities or GUNA of foods: heavy-light, greasy-dry, hot-cold.

Each food possesses more than one of these qualities, and this will be reflected in the ability to rebalance the 3 Doshas: heavy grains such as wheat and buckwheat pacify Vata and unbalance Kapha; barley and light millet balance Kapha and Pitta and unbalance Vata. Unctuousness is appreciated by Vata, but it mainly unbalances Kapha and a little Pitta; conversely, dryness, i.e., reduced amounts of oils and ghee are good for Kapha and Pitta. Hot is good for Vata and Kapha and not for Pitta; cold is good for Pitta, but not for Vata and Kapha. Power or Virya is of two kinds: hot or cold. Certain foods such as spices immediately develop heat in the body, others such as ghee cool.

Important when you eat as well as what you eat: the main meal is lunch, between 12 noon and 1 p.m., when the sun is at its zenith and consequently all the AGNI, digestive fires are at their most active.
In the evening, the body shuts down like a flower, so digestion is totally inappropriate for a meal with animal protein, cheese, raw vegetables; better cooked vegetables,grains, legumes.

Also very important in Ayurveda is the concept of AGNI, the digestive power.

The term used by Ayurveda to describe digestive power is “AGNI.” The term literally means “FIRE.”
AGNI metabolizes heterologous nutrients from the outside world and, separating them from waste, transforms them into the homologous elements of the body. The concept of AGNI is similar to the modern concept of “digestive enzymes,” however, it extends to the later stages of metabolism. AGNI therefore can also be defined as the “metabolic power” of the body.

A man gets sick if his digestion is weak, while he lives long time free from disease if his digestion is strong (Caraka Samhita)

Lifespan, health strength, enthusiasm, robustness, luster, immunity, energy, quality of metabolism-all these factors depend on the goodness of digestion.” (Caraka Samhita)

“Prana Vata receives the food and transports it to the stomach where it is disintegrated by digestive juices and transformed by enzymes (Pachaka Pitta) activated by Samana Vata.”
“Digestive fire cooks the food that has been taken in the right amount and at the right time and divides it into RASA (nutritive fraction) and MALA (excreted), just as fire cooks grains of rice that have been boiled in a pot.” (Caraka Samhita)

It is not necessary to be a vegetarian to enjoy the benefits of Maharishi Ayurveda. Although the best diet for Maharishi Ayurveda is the vegetarian diet, meat foods are also considered. However, a vegetarian diet or moderate use of meat or fish is indicated in the treatment of many diseases. In specific diseases the use of meat is not recommended.

Modern scientific research has shown that a balanced vegetarian diet is the best and healthiest. For example, the frequency of colon cancer, and other types of cancer, is dì much lower in vegetarians than in non-vegetarians.
And again, the incidence of obesity, a risk factor in cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes, is significantly lower in vegetarians. The same is true for the value of cholesterolemia. Diet is very important for our health. According to the American Cancer Society, up to 35 percent of the 900,000 new cancer cases per year in the U.S. alone could be prevented simply by following proper eating habits.

Whatever diet you have been prescribed, please follow it easily and comfortably. If you consume meat regularly, start by at least reducing red meat and pork and replacing it with fish or chicken and turkey. In time you will find that you will be able to reduce these as well without making any effort or creating tension in the physiology.


In any Ayurvedic treatment, nutrition plays a key role. Our doctors have developed an Ayurvedic menu that generally balances the Vata Dosha. Meals are prepared daily on the spot by a team of experienced chefs at Casa Mirabello. Each prescription is agreed with the Ayurvedic doctors.

The menu is very varied and has been supplemented with recipes also from the Mediterranean diet that are very tasty. Guests eat in a relaxed environment with an extraordinary view of the Monte Rosa massif and the surrounding forest. Proper nutrition for the Vata Doshas The Vata Dosha is the principle of movement. Therefore, people with high Vata are often restless and stressed. As soon as the Vata season arrives, from late October to February, the hustle and bustle of daily life increases the Vata Dosha. Therefore, it becomes important to eat calmly and quietly.

Meals that appease the Vata Dosha should always be cooked, hot and easy to digest. Recommended fruit: Sweet and ripe fruit, apricots, avocados, berries, grapefruit, fresh dates and figs, cherries, coconut, melon, mango, nectarines, oranges, peaches, grapes. Recommended Vegetables, Legumes and Grains: Cooked vegetables, green beans, green leafy vegetables, black chickpeas, mung dhal, cucumbers, carrots, red turnip, celery, asparagus, celeriac, sweet potatoes, semolina, oats (cooked), basmati rice, wheat. Pitta The Pitta Dosha is the principle of metabolism. Therefore, it is essential for pitta people to have regular meals. If in summer the pitta period extends between July and October, the warm temperament of pitta types can be stimulated more quickly.

Yet at this time, the other Doshas also tend more to overheat. For this reason, pitta types should eat regularly and take food at room or body temperature. Recommended fruit: Sweet fruits, apples, avocados, pears, figs, pomegranates, cherries, mangoes, melons, plums, raisins, grapes. Recommended Vegetables, Legumes, and Grains Sweet and sour vegetables, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, green beans, broccoli, chickpeas, mung dhal,cucumbers, potatoes, sprouts, cabbage, pumpkin, chard, green bell pepper, green salad, celery, asparagus, zucchini, barley, cooked oats, rice, wheat. Kapha The Kapha Dosha is the principle of structure. Kapha types are often characterized by constancy and slowness. This also results in slow digestion. Stimulant foods are key. Between March and June, the early-year fatigue typical of Kapha types sneaks into the other Doshas as well.

Counteracting this process with proper nutrition therefore becomes even more important. Recommended fruit: Less sweet fruits, apples, apricots, berries, pears, pomegranates, cherries, mangoes, persimmons, peaches, cranberries, raisins, dried fruits. Recommended Vegetables, Legumes and Grains Artichokes, eggplant, leafy salads, broccoli, chicory, fennel, carrots, potatoes, garlic, cabbage, peppers, radishes, red turnips, celery, spinach, onions, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, barley, oats, cus-cus,chickpeas, mung dhal. The times of the day and their effects Ayurveda not only knows the foods appropriate for the different Dosha types, but also offers practical advice on when to take meals.

It is advisable to get up early and eat breakfast. Between 6 and 10 a.m., however, digestion is relatively weak. If you eat breakfast at this time, light foods are recommended. From 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. is Pitta time: in Ayurveda this is when the main meal is taken. Between 2 and 6 p.m. is Vata’s time. A sweet spiced herbal tea is just the thing. Between 6 and 10 p.m. is Kapha’s time. Forbid heavy eating at dinner. In addition to the times of day, Ayurveda also takes into account the seasons: Kapha months run (roughly) from March to June. Appetite drops at this time, ideal for fasting. Pitta months run (roughly) from July to October. At this time, foods that tend to be cold and moist are recommended. Vata months run (roughly) from November to February. During these months, the digestive system works at maximum capacity.


Ayurveda, or the Science of Life, recognizes Ghee as one of the most effective means of rejuvenation.

It is worth as an elixir of life because it has a rejuvenating and cell regenerating effect. Ghee is, along with milk and honey, a natural element and is used in Ayurvedic dishes. It is produced in a natural form: salt-free butter is freed from the water and protein elements it contains and so becomes a purely natural product. Ghee has multiple uses, internal and external. It is a basic nutritional element. It is to be used in every good kitchen; as well as being a staple to possess in every home as a pharmaceutical-home remedy. It is used for the production of cosmetics and Ayurvedic preparations.

II Ghee along with water is the most important thing for purifying the body. Ayurveda without Ghee is not even thinkable. Ghee is easily digested and extinguishes heartburn. It is easily absorbed from the intestines to flow directly to the cells of the body; helping to balance the stress and nervousness of the men of our time.

Ghee in cooking

Ghee has been produced since the days of old for food preparation. As early as the Risorgimento it was known alongside cattle and wheat as a wealth called liquid gold. Ayurvedic cooking uses Ghee instead of butter and oil, compared to which it is more convenient giving good results with minimal consumption. It does not require refrigeration, is easily digestible, and its slightly sweet taste makes dishes more refined and full in flavor. It is used for cooking, frying and roasting because it can be heated and cooked without diminishing and thus losing its qualities: any other oil or fat at high temperatures becomes difficult to digest.

Ghee is the only fat that helps the body rather than weighing it down. The special feature of this fat (Ghee) is that it aids digestion, and people who have to avoid fats no longer have to give up sweets and fried foods with it just because they have cholesterol problems or liver and bile malfunction; Ghee keeps cholesterol balanced. Great for sautéing spices, steaming vegetables, and savoring bread with various spices (has the function of regular butter). Chemicals, example pesticides, found in our food are disposed of, through Ghee.

Ghee as a home remedy

You can use it both internally and externally. This is why it is considered a universal remedy. As early as a few hours after delivery, the mother gives her baby a few drops of Ghee, which is also good for the sensitive skin of the unborn baby. Mother takes it as a relaxant as well as a digestive aid. By using Ghee in eating, pre-existing congestions are eliminated from the body. In the morning it protects the skin of the face, and can also be used as an aftershave; smeared into the nose it cleanses it and protects it from colds; applied in the evening under the feet it helps to have a healthy sleep. With warm milk it helps us sleep better and at the same time in the morning you will regularly go to the bathroom. For tired eyes, it helps take away fatigue and strengthens vision at night. It is also very advisable to use it as a makeup remover; it protects the skin on the hands, which tends to crack in the cold, and also removes difficult dirt from the fingers of the hands. Finally, it is a good remedy for removing difficult stains such as oil from clothes (it absorbs very well), or for refreshing and restoring beauty to surfaces such as metals, wood or plastic material.

Ghee in medicine

There are many Ayurvedic medicine preparations that contain Ghee as the basic substance. This Ghee used in medicine contains in it several medicinal plants (extracts), which are prepared with strict rules, and then mixed together (at the Ghee). It is an Ayurvedic remedy that has multiple uses: internally as a medicine for certain and specific diseases; externally used as a massage cream or as a compress and rub. The therapeutic power of Ghee as Rasayana (natural healing power) combined together with medicinal herbs enhances their healing power: every Ayurvedic therapy begins with a Ghee cure, as nothing else binds waste in the body like Ghee.

On the list of elements that are able to bind free radicals to themselves, in first place, far from vitamin A and E, which come much later, is Ghee, which has the effect on our bodies of lengthening life if used consistently. Ghee strengthens the defensive part of our body and immune system, takes away the sense of anxiety and nervousness, cleanses our body of any waste, helps build OJAS (our radiation part, irradiation), nourishes and strengthens body tissue and its seven components (plasma, blood, bone, bone marrow and nerves), also balances all three principles of metabolism (vata, pitta, kapha = wind, fire, water) lowers cholesterol, calms nerves, makes joints looser and more fluid. It improves the functions of our brain, enhances intelligence and memory, strengthens the liver, drives away heartburn, dissolves toxins and removes acidity from the body, stimulates secretion, creates and makes the skin soft, supple, toned and smooth. Ghee and its content (composition) Contains the mineral substances; Na, Ka, Ca, Ph, Mg, Fe – Contains the vitamins A, E Niacin – Contains important non-solid vegetable fats – Contains important non-saturated acids – Is free of animal protein – Is free of elements, added.

Ghee and its preservation

Good ghee lasts over time and never goes bad. Ayurvedic texts describe that 100-year-old ghee cures diseases. It can be kept at room temperature as it does not need to be refrigerated for storage. It does not tolerate, in any way, humidity. It is recommended to keep it in a container where it does not catch light; no other restrictions

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