Vaidya is a Sanskrit word meaning “doctor” or “traditional physician” skilled in Ayurvedic medicine. It was and is generally used in India to refer to a person who practices ayurveda, an Indian system of medicine.
Senior practitioners or teachers were called Vaidyarāja (“physician-king”) as a sign of respect. Some practitioners who had complete knowledge of the texts and were excellent in their practices were known as Pranaacharya. Some royal families in India had a personal vaidya present, and these people were called Rāja Vaidya (“the king’s physician”).
The Vaidya doctor knows the art of life in its fullness. The essential merit of the Vaidya doctor is to prevent disease by rebalancing the physiology before the disease occurs or by curing the disease by strengthening and stimulating the immune system and detoxifying the body.That is why one goes to the Vaidya even in the absence of disease, to put into practice the true meaning of prevention.
Sincere thanks go to Dr. Raju, who has supported and endorsed Maharishi Ayurveda in Italy since its inception back in the 1980s.
DR RAJU and his children DR PAVANI RAJU, DR HARSHA VARDHAN RAJU, DR ADITYA VARDHAN RAJU have been working with our center for years.
Our Ayuvedic doctors and experts spend long periods in their Clinic in India to continue their studies and insights into Ayurveda
Technical director of Maharishi Ayurveda Hospital, New Delhi, India.
Expert in Ayurvedic formulations, Panchakarma, Pulse Diagnosis and Sukhamarma. World-renowned lecturer in Pulse Diagnosis. He has done Ayurvedic consultations in numerous Ayurveda and Panchakarma centers in both Europe and Asia.
Specialist in Panchakarma, Pulse Diagnosis, Sukhamarma and Jyotish. She has done Ayurvedic consultations in numerous Ayurveda and Panchakarma centers in Europe and Asia.
Specialist in Panchakarma, Pulse Diagnosis, Sukhamarma and Jyotish. He has done Ayurvedic consultations in numerous Ayurveda and Panchakarma centers in Europe and Asia.
Specialist in Panchakarma, Pulse Diagnosis and Sukhamarma. He has done Ayurvedic consultations in numerous Ayurveda and Panchakarma centers in Europe and Asia.
He is a lecturer at the Maharishi School of Ayurveda Medicine for Physicians, a Specialist in Panchakarma and in Pulse Diagnosis and Ayurvedic Treatments.
Dr. RAJU J.R . is an eminent Ayurvedic Physician, thirteenth generation of Ayurvedic doctors, whose family tradition has produced many generations of Vaidya in South India. His outstanding peculiarity is his highly refined, accurate and holistic diagnostic expertise in assessing the patient through pulse analysis. He also specializes in using a rare knowledge of herbal formulas.
Dr. Raju collaborated with a well-known and highly regarded Vaidya such as Dr. Balraj Maharishi, whose knowledge extended to over 5,000 varieties of herbs. She helped him in his work of study and research and made trips with him for the specific purpose of identifying new herbs. He led by his side a free treatment campaign for 10,000 patients in Hyderabad and Tirupati.
Dr. Raju worked from 1980 to 2000 closely with Maharishi Mahesh Yogy to help him carry out the plan to create a disease-free society in India and around the world. A world leader of the MVAH (Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health), he has spent many years traveling all over the world (Europe, USA, Canada, South America, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Thailand and other nations in Asia) to heal hundreds of thousands of people through the Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health.
His patients include authorities from such diverse nations as presidents, prime ministers, royal families, actors, etc. In the course of his visits to various countries, thousands of Western doctors have already been trained by him in Maharishi’s Vedic Approach to Health.