“We take to Ayurveda because of its perfection.”
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
So began Maharishi some years ago and on this impulse in the 1980s he began to revitalize this eternal knowledge, bringing it back to its forgotten value, Consciousness. What this means in practice: He gathered around him the traditional families of Vaydia (Ayurvedic physicians) in which all this great knowledge that had not been affected by the destructive arrogance of foreign domination and the fatal impoverishment associated with the passage of millennia was passed down orally. Restoring that subtle link between the Veda (Pure Consciousness) and the Upaveda (Ayurvedic Medicine) meant bringing attention to traditional procedures that had been almost completely forgotten.
For example, every step from cultivation, to harvesting, to production of our Ayurvedic preparations is done by people who practice MT and Sidhi; the plants and preparations therefore have this infusion of sattvic vibrations and even more, as Dr. Raju (Vaydia very well known and appreciated by many of us) constantly reminds us, in every aspect of Maharishi Ayurveda there is “Rishi Sattwa,” that is, the attention of the Rishi, indeed, of a Maha (great) Rishi.
That’s why over the years we have seen increasing attention from doctors and pharmacists to our preparations, courses, and activities: they all find that there is something special, and simple at the same time, about Maharishi Ayurveda. AOS programs are part of what is more fully called Maharishi’s Vedic approach to health: this approach is based on complete knowledge of life and the laws of nature that govern life. It takes into account every level of life:spiritual,mental,emotional,physiological and behavioral.It aims to create health for both the individual and the entire society,the environment and the entire universe:from the smallest of the smallest,to the largest of the largest.
The classical texts of Ayurveda cover all the major branches of modern medicine,but with a focus on prevention:finding a mild imbalance through pulse diagnosis,its most detailed and profound diagnostic system;this method provides the physician with the ability to avoid the disease before it occurs or otherwise ameliorate it by reducing the imbalance that was its cause. Moreover, pulse diagnosis is itself a therapy because the attention of the physician and the patient himself is naturally drawn to that all-encompassing and maximally revitalizing level that is consciousness. Maharishi realized through collaboration with the Vaydia top experts in this field,a simple and effective system through which to teach modern physicians the use of this valuable diagnostic method.
The experience of pulse self-diagnosis is also a pleasant system that allows each of us to understand both practically and intellectually what this method means, and allows us, in addition, to be able to “self-assess” what kind of behavior and nutrition to undertake in order to achieve greater balance. In this regard, specific courses on “Pulse Self-Diagnosis,” “Nutrition,” and “Yoga Asana” have been available for several years, spread over two weekends for a combined total of 16 hours. The experience was exciting for all who came to this knowledge.
The key word of AOS is certainly balance, not therefore absence of disease, as normally understood in modern medicine. Health for Ayurveda, then, is an integrated and balanced physiological state in which the mind and sense organs remain full of bliss. The word health actually already indicates this: in fact, it comes from the Indo-European root kailo, which means totality. With AOS methods, symptoms disappear not because they have been suppressed or removed using chemical (allopathy), or even natural (herbal medicine) systems to eliminate them, but because the body has returned to its natural state of health. AOS cares for the whole person as a completely related world in which the whole is much more than the set of its parts. AOS wisely recognizes that within each one of us there is an innate intelligence that orchestrates and coordinates the innumerable parts that characterize our organism; and this is the same intelligence that orchestrates and coordinates the entire universe, as pointed out by Maharaja Adiraja Raja Rama in his wonderful book “Human Physiology: an Expression of the Veda and Vedic Literature.”
Every impulse, every vibration of nature, was recorded millions of years ago in those recitations that we find in the entire Vedic Literature and that have a correspondence in structure and form with our neurophysiology: man is truly cosmic. Related to this of course is also the vision and purpose of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, which in the same way as Maharishi Ayurveda wants to provide us with an environment in which naturally our organism can attune itself to the laws and vibrations that govern the universe. In this regard, I would like to remind you that with great effort, but also great determination and enthusiasm, we are carrying out the project of the first sthapatyavedic village, not only for Italy, but also for Europe: 7 are the houses, which can also be divided into smaller sub-units and next to it will rise the Maharishi Ayurveda clinic, equipped with a Transcendental Meditation center, restaurant and ayurvedic-organic store, and swimming pool. The Village will also have communal services (gardener, housekeeper, babysitter, caregiver…) to make everyone’s life easier and more pleasant on the road provided by our dear Maharishi toward realization